Saturday, October 3, 2009

OMG here they come!!

I've kept a pretty low online profile over the summer because I've been busy finishing the Nothing Better Vol 2 collection and guess what - it's finally done!! got it back from the printer last week. and that's not all - I've got another new book to put out too. that's right - TWO NEW BOOKS!

that second book is Stylish Vittles Vol 4 Behind the Page: The Saga of Rob Harvard. that's right - I finally went back and finished the Stylish Vittles storyline. this fourth volume contains the amazing and absolutely true story behind the Stylish Vittles graphic novels and is not to be missed. this will be a limited edition book - it is hand-printed and hand-bound and there will only ever be 250 of them. EVER!

I will have both of these new books at FallCon this coming weekend so if you're in the Twin Cities area, come pick them up! they will be available through my online store soooooon. STAY TUNED!!

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